

Convert docx files to pdf on Mac




clang error after upgrading to macOS Big Sur

Upgraded macOS from Catalina to Big Sur today. So far almost no trouble occured after this OS upgrade except that there is an error when I tried to compile some program with using gfortran such as, clang: error: invalid version number in '-mmacosx-version-min=11.0' But this was solved by updating Xcode via App Store. I prefer the appearance of Big Sur to Catalina ;)

No more car navigation...

最近車を買い替えたが,新しい車ではカーナビとして Android auto で Google map を利用するのがデフォルトとなっている.以前から思ってはいたことだが,このやり方より

fp.py on ISSP Ohtaka


My Obsidian workflow


Quiver to Obsidian

今回もnote-takingアプリに関すること. 前回のポストがZettlrからQuiverにで戻ったというポストだったが,そこからさらにOb

Back to Quiver from Zettlr


Automator quick action on macOS



ここ数年はnote-takingアプリとしてQuiverというアプリを使っていたが, 個人開発アプリなので開発スピードが遅い 最近アップデートが


MacBookPro買い替え とある研究所の委託研究費で昨年度に購入したMacBookProは,研究期間が終了したら返却しなければいけなかった

Yield strength of high entropy alloys

論文覚書. B. Yin and W. A. Curtin, “Origin of high strength in the CoCrFeNiPd high-entropy alloy,” Mater. Res. Lett., vol. 8, no. 6, pp. 209–215, 2020. B. Yin, S. Yoshida, N. Tsuji, and W. A. Curtin, “Yield strength and misfit volumes of

MTU setting on macOS for VPN connection

Work from home… コロナの影響で,最近はずっと自宅からリモートワークをしている. リモートワークで職場のネットワークにアクセスするには,VPN接続が必要な

Simplify rsync workflow

If you are using remote computers on a daily basis, you probably use rsync command for transfering data between the local machine and remote machines. And you may need to type remote directory every time you use rsync command, which is a small effort for a single case but it costs a lot if you do the smae thing many times. The script rsync_wrapper.py is a helper script to avoid typing remote directory every time you use rsync.

AtomEye on macOS Catalina

AtomEye AtomEyeは原子・分子シミュレーションの構造を可視化するツール.コマンドラインに特化しているようで使い勝手が良いソフトウェアではないと

Stylish Jupyter Notebook with jupyter-themes

Appearance of Jupyter Notebook can be modified using jupyter-themes. See the following websites for details, jupyterの表示拡張機能、jupyter-themesを徹底紹介する jupyter-themes の fontについて Chrome extension Stylish should be installed in addition to


もう最近はこれを毎年メモするだけのブログになってきているので,今年も書いておく. すでに3月も中旬なので初頭というのはフェイクニュースだが. Mac


一昨年,昨年と年の初頭における作業環境をメモしていたので,今年も書いておく. tmux これはかなり秀逸なツールなので,愛用している.リモートサーバ上

macOS: X11 forwarding request failed

When I tried to connect to macOS Mojave machine from other machine, I got the following message. X11 forwarding request failed on channel 0 And when using -v option, I got debug1: Remote: No xauth program; cannot forward X11. X11 forwarding request failed on channel 0 So the problem seemed to be an issue of xauth-related, and actually this was because the remote server could not find the xauth program, even though I do not know the reason why.

Mayavi on jupyter notebook

Mayavi は3Dでのデータ可視化を支援するライブラリ. これを Jupyter notebook で使えるようにするまでのメモ(macOS High Sierra). References Jupyter で 3D 表示 - Mayavi ライブラリ


昨年も,その時点における快適な作業環境をメモしたので,2018年版もメモしておく. Emacs 最近は Emacs を使う人も減っているみたいで,Vim に限らず,S

A parameter lacking in a journal paper...

There is an erratum in the JAP journal paper (Ref.[1]) by Bonny et al about tungsten-rhenium EAM potential. The parameters for $V_\mathrm{WRe}$ listed in the paper, cubic spline with 5 knots, were not sufficient and the following 6th knot should be added. r_6 = 4.2 a_6 = -0.25133241 I extracted these numbers by numerical derivative of raw data provided in Ref.[2], so the precision of the data may not be so high.

Logo path in Flex theme

Currently this site uses the pelican theme Flex, and I like it. But one thing annoyed me. There is a logo image on the left side and it works fine with the home, archive, and tag pages. But it does not show up on post pages. The reason is that the path to the logo image is set in pelicanconf.py and it seems to be relative URL from the current content which is dependent on the article.

clean script

I made a simple script that removes files specified by a file .clean in the current working directory. The script is like this. #!/bin/bash CLEAN_FILE='.clean' if [ ! -f ${CLEAN_FILE} ]; then echo " There is no " ${CLEAN_FILE} " file." echo " You write a list of files to be cleaned into " ${CLEAN_FILE} " file." echo " Then this script will remove these files from the current directory.

DISPLAY environment variable in tmux

tmux is a great command when using remote servers for work. Mainly because once I turn on tmux on the remote server, I can recover the session whenever I reconnect the server again. This feature is greater than it sounds. If you have not tried tmux yet, and you often work on the remote server, you definitely should use tmux. But when I try to use gnuplot or something that needs X11 forwarding through SSH, sometimes you need to change DISPLAY environment variable in tmux session.

Making slide with Markdown

Markdownでスライドを作ることができれば,コンテンツに集中できるし,かなり速くスライド作成ができるようになると期待される. 現状(201


最近,近年で最もコンピュータ上での作業環境が変化したので,僕の作業環境を紹介してみる. 前提として,自分の仕事上,どのような作業が多いかを挙げ

Display glitches when using tmux

When I was using tmux on a remote server in Terminal.app and tried to type something in addition to existing text, sometimes display went wrong not shifting the existing text rather overriding the text. This seems a problem of setting of TERM environment variable of the shell used. So I changed the TERM variable from xterm-color to xterm-256color and the problem was fixed.

Show only non-FCC atoms in Ovito

In Ovito, there are following modifications to the view, Common neighbor analysis (CNA) Expression select Delete selected particles So you can use CNA to identify which atoms are FCC-like and which are not. Then you can select FCC atoms using Expression select by adding the following expression into the Boolean expression: text box, StructureType == 1 And by adding Delete selected particles modification, you can see only non-FCC atoms in the view.

Ovito from command line on macOS

Ovito is a visualization tool for atomistic configurations and simulation results. When I open a file from command line, I had to directly call ovito in /Applications/Ovito.app/Contents/MacOS/. Since it is cumbersome to type this everytime I open Ovito, firstly I made its link to the directory where my PATH environment can find. But unfortunately and I don’t know the reason why, it did not work for Ovito. So I created a script ~/bin/ovito,

Two columns in Marp

Markdownでスライドを作成できるMarpという日本人が作ったアプリがある. 僕が思うこのアプリの良いところは, Markdownで作成でき

Bug in vasprun.xml?

After running a VASP simulation with Li, La, Zr, and O, I found a bug in vasprun.xml in which Zr is written as r. $ grep 'PAW_PBE' vasprun.xml <rc><c> 28</c><c>Li</c><c> 7.01000000</c><c> 1.00000000</c><c> PAW_PBE Li 17Jan2003 </c></rc> <rc><c> 12</c><c>La</c><c> 138.90000000</c><c> 9.00000000</c><c> PAW_PBE La_s 06Sep2000 </c></rc> <rc><c> 8</c><c>r </c><c> 91.22400000</c><c> 12.00000000</c><c> PAW_PBE Zr_sv 04Jan2005 </c></rc> <rc><c> 48</c><c>O </c><c> 16.00000000</c><c> 6.00000000</c><c> PAW_PBE O_s 07Sep2000 </c></rc> So reading the vasprun.xml file with using ASE module or something like that does not work.

Install numpy on Fujitsu FX100


Markdown on Pelican

Since I got to know that Markdown is available in pelican, I tried to use Markdown. [TOC] Markdown setting To activate the Markdown, I wrote the following line in pelicanconf.py. MD_EXTENSIONS = ['codehilite','extra','smarty', 'toc'] And to make toc to be available in Markdown I added 'extract_toc' as, PLUGINS = ["tag_cloud","render_math",'extract_toc'] These are what I did. It is easy. Test This post is written in Markdown, and now I am going to see whether it works or not…

ローザンヌ生活終了 - 日本帰国

tags: swiss, lausanne 昨日(2016年11月5日)に,11ヶ月のローザンヌ生活を終えて日本に帰国した. いろいろと思ったことを今思い出せることだけでもメモして

Last dinner in Lausanne

tags: swiss, ローザンヌ最後の晩餐はPrilly-Malley駅近くの Restaurant des Bouchers でとった. ホタテのタルタル {.align-center width=“600px”} ホタテのタルタルはなかなか他では見たことなく

Petit Boeuf in Lausanne

tags: swiss, lausanne ローザンヌ生活も終わりに近づいたので,何かスイスっぽい食事をと考えていたところ, 同僚から Petit Boeuf なるお店を勧められたので行ってみた. 名前は

flake8 personal setting for python

tags: python, emacs, mac When I code python programs using emacs, emacs uses elpy and elpy uses flake8 for syntax checking. But this syntax checking is kind of annoying. For example, I would like to write like this x = some_func(a,b,c+d) instead of this x = some_func(a, b, c + d) I think this style condtains too many whitespaces which make code lengthy. To change the style in flake8, you can write the following lines in ~/.

No match found in Reftex

tags: emacs Sometimes when writing a LaTeX document with Emacs.app in MacOS and I tried to put citation in the document by typing Ctl-C + [, emacs fails to search references I am looking for. I do not know the reason exactly, but I seems that emacs does not store the reference information in it. So the solution is to reload the reference file by typing M-x Reftex-parse-all. Then emacs will reload bibtex database and reftex by Ctl-C + [ begins to work again, perhaps.

Web shop service thebase

tags: misc 友人のサイトにウェブショップ wataroom がオープンしてたから見てみたら,なんだか有名なウェブショップ作成サービスで作られてものだった. このサービス

Math font in sphinx-document

tags: sphinx SphinxドキュメントをHTML出力する際の数式フォントを変更したい. ここでは,数式をPNGで出力する pngmath が選択されているとする.( mathjax の

Speedup python script using numba

tags: python, research Numba というモジュールを利用することで,pythonスクリプトの数値演算のみからなる関数を劇的に高速化することができる. (数値演算でない部

Excel: make custom list

tags: excel Excelにて並び替えを行いたいが,数値や日付やアルファベットではなく,「高,中,低」のように自分で設定した文字列で並べたい場合,「 ユー


tags: book 『 外資系金融マンがわが子に教えたい「お金」と「投資」の本当の話 』 ジョン太郎 著 Kindle Unlimitedが開始されたので,試しに加入してみての第


tags: research, DFT 近年,さまざまなDFTコードが世に出ており,それぞれいろいろと特徴を出そうとしている. 擬ポテンシャルと平面波展開のコードについては,ほ

Science and technology trends in Switzerland

tags: swiss, research 金属学会誌まてりあ「談話室」寄稿へむけた情報収集の一環として. JSTが作成した 「競争力のある小国の科学技術動向(2013年度版)」 とい

Religious talk in Europe

tags: swiss 研究室のお昼タイムに,誰か(無神論者)が「ポープはアスホールだ」というような持論を展開し, 他の誰か(カトリック)がそれには同意できないと

Minimization algorithms

tags: research, paper CGやBFGSや,ニューラルネットの世界ではSGDなどの様々な最適化手法があるが,どのようなケースがどれがどれだけ効率的なのかを系統的


tags: stock どうも米国で最近発売された「Pokemon GO」というのが大人気らしく,任天堂の株価が激上がりした. {width=“600px”} ニュースで少々「Pokemon GO

Health insurance in Switzerland

tags: swiss こちらスイスは健康保険への加入が義務付けれられている.義務付けられているけど,保険自体は国や州では用意しておらず,どこかの保険会社の保険

gamma surface with gnuplot

tags: research, gnuplot 材料の機械的性質を議論する場合,generalized stacking fault もしくは gamma surface を考える場合が多い. その場合,ある面内で上下の原子をシフトした場

Random structure search

tags: research EPFLでの会議PASC16にて,Chris J Pickardの発表を聴いた. そこで Ab initio random structure search (AIRSS) を紹介していたので下記論文を読んでみた. Pickard,

Bash: all the output to /dev/null

tags: linux I wanted to run jupyter notebook background without showing any outputs from it. So I tried the following command, : $ jupyter notebook hoge.ipynb 2>&1 > /dev/null & But it still showed some outputs on the screen and interrupted me typing other commands. This is because, 2>&1 means that standard error output goes to where the standard output currently pointing to, which is not /dev/null. So I had to switch the order from 2>&1 > /dev/null to 1>/dev/null 2>&1 to make the error output go to /dev/null.

Install python on FX100 in nagoya-u

tags: linux, research 名大スパコン FX100 で作業することが多いが,作業に必要なツールがデフォルトでは入っていないので自分でpythonをインストールすることから始

GNU parallel for easy multiprocessing

tags: linux コマンドを並列に実行するGNU parallelがとても便利 GNU Parallelがすごすぎて生きるのがつらい GNU parallel 使用例 などで GNU parallel の紹介がされ


tags: book ガラパゴス 相場英雄 現代の日本の車業界,派遣労働,非正規社員なんかを背景とした刑事もので非常に勉強になるし,展開も面白い. しかし,最後に鳥

Simple minimization using FIRE

tags: research Bitzek et al. Structural Relaxation Made Simple, PRL 97, 170201 (2006) Damped MDのような発想で,より効率的に,MDコードをあまり改変する必要なく構造最適化を行う方法. 論文にアルゴリズムも記

Precipitate model in Al-Mg-Si alloy

tags: research, paper, alloy Structure Determination of Mg5Si6 Particles in Al by Dynamic Electron Diffraction Studies, by H. W. Zandbergen, S. J. Andersen, J. Jansen, Science 277 (1997) 1221 精密な実験からbeta''-precipitateの原子構造を解明したという論文.


tags: research, paper, DFT Reproducibility in density functional theory calculations of solids, Kurt Lejaeghere et al., Science 351, issue 6280, aad3000, link 固体材料のDFT計算ツールはたくさんあり,様々な手法のさまざまな実装が存在している. それらの各ツ

Today\'s French

tags: language ここ から例文を取ってきて勉強した. カフェでの会話 会話例1 A: Bonjour, qu'est-ce que vous prendrez? B: Qu'est-ce que vous me conseillez? A: Nous utilisons du cafe Illy, donc je vous conseille toutes les boissons à base de café. B: Je vois, alors je prendrai un

Password manager: pass

tags: linux, mac Here is memorandom of how I set up password manager pass. Install pass On MacOSX (El Capitan in my case), : $ brew install pass will install pass command and others that the pass depends on. Prepare gpg To generate PGP key using GnuPG gpg, : $ gpg --gen-key You have to answer some questions to generate a pgp key. Once you generate a pgp key, you can confirm it with --list-keys option as, :

Pythonで可変数の引数の取り方 \*args, \*\*kwds

tags: python 関数の引数に *args や **kwds を指定した場合の挙動をいつも忘れてしまうので,例と共に書いておく. def f(*args, **kwds): print args print kwds 上のような関数は, args は変数名なしの引数

Constraint atom motion in LAMMPS

tags: lammps, research Suppose if one creates a dislocation in a system with two surfaces top and bottom on z axis and periodic in x and y axes. Motions of atoms at the top and bottom layer should be limited along x and y direction and not to move z direction. One can achieve this constraint in LAMMPS by writing as follows, : region top block 0.0 300.0 0.0 20.0 212.


tags: language スイスに来てから3ヶ月も経過してフランス語がいっこうにしゃべれない, かつ英語でのやりとりに関しても十分なレベルとは言えないことから語学学


tags: swiss 今日は一日時間があったし,月の最初の土曜日は美術館・博物館がフリーになるので,Oucyにあるエリゼー美術館(Musee de l'Elysee

Disable PEP8 check when writing python code in emacs

tags: emacs, python PEP check when I open a pyhton code with emacs is so annoying. So I figured out how to disable PEP8 check, and this is how it works. In the .emacs.d/init.d or appropriate file in your system, python-check-command should be set nil. : (add-hook 'python-mode-hook '(lambda () (seq python-check-command nil) )) Then you never be bothered by too strict PEP8 checker.

Automate git archive

tags: linux, git I made a bash function to replace git archive command, : function gitarch(){ basedname=$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel) dname=$(basename $basedname) cwd=$(pwd) cd $basedname fname=${dname}_`ymd`.tgz git archive --format=tar --prefix=${dname}/ HEAD | gzip > $fname cp $fname ${cwd}/ cd $cwd } Writing this function in .bashrc file, I can create git archive with name projectname_date.tgz a little bit easier. BTW, by typing : $ type gitarch you can see what is this function doing.

String search in Fortran

tags: fortran Think of a problem finding the substring def in the string abcdefg. I though Fortran does not have an efficient way of doing this and I have to make own subroutine to achieve this. But Fortran has such a function, index. See, INDEX -- position of a substring within a string Its syntax is, : RESULT = INDEX(STRING, SUBSTRING [, BACK [, KIND]]) and the return value is an integer of the substring position.

Pelican blog post script

tags: python, pelican I updated my blog automation script. This version make blog posting process much more efficient and I am much happier than before. This version is uploaded on Gist. gist ryokbys/myblog.py Now I can create a new blog post by typing, : $ blogpost 'BLOG TITLE' then a blog-post file is created at the apropriate place in the system with the date and title in the filename.

Figures on pelican post

tags: pelican In my case, the images used in the blog post are all uploaded on to flickr and loaded from flickr to show in the post. Upload the images on flickr Fist you have to have an account on flickr, of course. Upload a image to be included in a post. Get the image URL from flickr. {width=“400px”} Pressing share photo button or image, from Embed tab as shown in the above picture you can get the embedding HTML source code.

Package managing system Cask

tags: emacs What is Cask? Usually, without cask, we need to download and install packages manually and write some configurations in .emacs.d/init.el to make them work. Cask makes it much easier. cask documentation It seems to require the following conditions, emacs >= 24 python >= 2.6 Install $ brew install cask It seems different from : $ pip install cask Setup $ cd ~/.emacs.d $ cask init $ ls Cask $ head Cask (source gnu) (source melpa) (depends-on "bind-key") (depends-on "cask") (depends-on "dash") (depends-on "drag-stuff") (depends-on "exec-path-from-shell") (depends-on "expand-region") (depends-on "f") You can modify this Cask file to manage which packages to be installed?

Use ipython/jupyter notebook on Emacs.app

tags: python, emacs, mac Setup To use ipython/jupyter notebook in Emacs, you need elpy and ein (emacs ipython notebook) packages. So write those dependencies in .emacs.d/Cask file (here I assume that the package management system cask is installed), : (depends-on “ein") (depends-on “elpy”) Usage Boot notebook server At first, ipython/jupyter notebook server should be

A script to keep results in Linux

tags: linux, shellscript In the previous post, I wrote about an shellscript that store some data in a directory whose name includes date info. Here I modified it to be able to add an identifier after the date info in the directory name. As shown in the following code, getopts function? is used to receive -i option. After analyzing the options, shift line is necessary, otherwise identifier is also counted as an argument.

insufficient virtual memory

tags: fortran, research When I run a program on Linux, I got the following error, : forrtl: severe (41): insufficient virtual memory This error seems to be clear. As it says, I seem to require too many memory. But when I printed the number of memory I was requiring, it seemed to be not too much, like 1.8GB, for the system having 32GB. Actually this bug was related to the limit of 4-Byte integer.

Cell relax in LAMMPS

tags: research, lammps These days I am learning how to use LAMMPS. To allow the simulation cell to relax, you need to specify box/relax with fix command as, : fix 1 all box/relax tri 0.0 Here it mentions that the cell is triclinic, which meams x, y, z, yz, zx, and xy are controlled independently. And final value 0.0 means pressure to be achieved. Then you minimize the system as, :

Retrieve offscreen XQuartz windows

tags: mac Sometimes XQuartz windows go somewhere off the screen if you are using multiple monitors. To bring back the window, you may be able to use wmctrl utility which can be installed as, : $ brew install wmctrl And you can see XQuartz window list as, : $ wmctrl -G -l 0x00600008 0 0 44 200 200 N/A Gnuplot It seems the window I am now looking for is at the position (0,0) with width and height (200,200), but it is not seen on the screen.


tags: research 今日,イタリア人の同僚から指摘されたが, 日本のある業界では,日本語論文を出してから2年後くらいに英語論文として出版するのが一般的なのだろ


tags: research ラボ合宿でボスが論文の書き方について講義してくれたので,メモしておく. 論文ではストーリーを語る 何が重要なポイントなのか? もし読者が2つの

Lab retreat

tags: research, swiss 先週一週間はずっとラボの合宿(lab retreat)で,オブロンナ(Ovronnaz)というところに出かけていた. そこは,スキーと温泉

Bugfix in ASE

tags: research, ase There was a bug in ASE package. When I tried to read a vasprun.xml file using ase.io.read like, atoms= read('vasprun.xml', index=0, format='vasp-xml') and the vasprun.xml contains some constraints for atoms, I got the following message, Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/kobayashi/src/fitpot/vasprun2fp.py", line 63, in <module> atoms= read('vasprun.xml',index=0,format='vasp-xml') File "/Users/kobayashi/src/ase/ase/io/formats.py", line 290, in read return next(_iread(filename, slice(index, None), format, **kwargs)) File "/Users/kobayashi/src/ase/ase/io/formats.py", line 360, in _iread for dct in io.

Today stamp in python

tags: python Pythonで実行時の日付表示のためのやり方をいつも忘れるからメモる! from datetime import datetime as dt d= dt.today() print d.strftime("%Y/%m/%d") これだけ...

Generating VASP inputs via ASE

tags: research, ase, vasp On jupyter notebook This is done on jupyter notebook, and it can be read via nbviewer web service. See the link below: Generating VASP inputs via ASE How to put your jupyter notebook on the web? When you make a jupyter notebook, put it at somewhere public place like Dropbox/Public/. And get the URL of the file and put it in the search box at jupyter nbviewer website.

Crystal structures on the web

tags: research, alloy 島根大?の 大庭研究室のウェブサイト に結晶構造分類が載っている.便利. Strukturbericht symbol (A1, B2など) と Pearson symbol のどちらも載っている.

IPython notebook to Pelican blog post

tags: pelican, python この前のブログポストはIPython notebookでの作業をブログに載せたものだが,ちょっと面倒な方法だった. 直接 .ipynb ファイルを参照で

Make AlMgSi-system LAMMPS file using ASE

tags: research, alloy, ase, lammps, python A bit Math first To get $y$-at%Mg2Si for the 1.2wt%Mg2Si system, calculate the following simultaneous equations, $$\begin{aligned} \frac{(\text{Mg$_2$Si})_y}{\text{Al}_x +(\text{Mg$_2$Si})_y} &=& 0.012, \ x + y &=& 1, \end{aligned}$$ using masses, Al=26,981, Mg=24.305, and Si=28.085. We get $y\simeq 0.00425$. In case of 32000-atom system If we put (20,20,20) cubic FCC cells including 4 atoms in the simulation box, the box contains 32,000 atoms. In the 32000-atom system,

A little bit more automating blog post

tags: pelican, python, mac 以前に,Pelicanでのブログ投稿をある程度自動化するツールを作成することについて書いたが, それでもまだいろいろと自動化する必要が

Use argsort

tags: python Numpyパッケージにリストを並び替えるための argsort という関数があるが,その使い方がちょいと難しいからメモ. >>> a= np.array([3,1,2]) >>> b= np.argsort(a) >>> b array([1, 2, 0]) >>> a array([3, 1, 2])

Inheritance in python

tags: python Pythonでクラスの継承の仕方を練習したのでメモしておく. 以下のようにして, ClassA と ClassB を定義する. class ClassA(object): def __init__(self,x): self.x= x def multi(self): return self.x *self.x class ClassB(ClassA): def multi(self): return super(ClassB,self).multi() *self.x これ

Internet speed in Switzerland

tags: swiss インターネットのスピードは(実際のところは分からないが)心象的には,かなり仕事の効率に影響するように感じる. そこで,以下のサイトを用いて

Use logger in python

tags: python 使用例 Pythonでのloggerの使い方を学んだからメモしておく. import logging logger= logging.getLogger(__name__) console = logging.StreamHandler() console.setLevel(logging.INFO) logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) formatter = logging.Formatter('%(name)-12s: %(levelname)-8s%(message)s') console.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(console) logger.debug('this is debug') logger.info('this is info') logger.warn('this is warn') logger.error('this is error') logger.critical('this is critical') のように

From gnuplot to inkscape

tags: mac, research, inkscape Mac OSXのバージョンがEl Capitanになってから,Illustrator CS4の調子がすこぶる悪く,ほぼ使えない状態なので,gn

Internet in Switzerland\...

tags: swiss スイスで暮らし始めて1ヶ月になるが未だに安定したインターネット環境が得られない. インターネット込みの家具付きアパートを契約しているので,

Python utility for creating new post

tags: python, pelican Pelicanでブログポストを作るときに,作成するファイル自体をtinkererで : $ tinker --post とした時のように,日付で整理されたディレクト

Al-Mg-Si alloy paper

Al-Mg-Si alloy paper Pogatscher et al, PRL 112, 225701 (2014) Al-Mg-Si alloyにSnを少量添加して,natural agingの負の効果を抑えて,artificial agingを促進できる


MAPS.ME 知らない土地を旅する時に地図は必需品なわけだが,海外旅行なんかのときにはインターネット接続がないことが多く,google mapを使えないこ

Salt SIM with AtermMR03LN in Switzerland

Salt SIM with AtermMR03LN in Switzerland 日本で購入したNECのAterm MR03LNというモバイルルータに,スイス国内で購入したSaltのSIMを入れてインターネットに


ローザンヌでの労働許可証申請 日本の公証人?による翻訳証明は意味なし 日本で英語翻訳を作成し,その翻訳は正しいという証明書を作成してスイスに持参