Pelican blog post script

tags: python, pelican I updated my blog automation script. This version make blog posting process much more efficient and I am much happier than before.

This version is uploaded on Gist.

Now I can create a new blog post by typing, :

$ blogpost 'BLOG TITLE'

then a blog-post file is created at the apropriate place in the system with the date and title in the filename. And also open it with

After writing the post, just type :

$ blogmake

will update the blog post.

If this blogmake command should be called from, it is necesarry that the following lines should be written in ~/.emacs.d/init.el. :

(setq shell-file-name "bash")
(setq shell-command-switch "-ic")

in order to let emacs know that the interactive shell (-i option) is bash with aliases in .bashrc file.